INGLASS Nemzetközi Építészeti Konferencia

INGLASS Nemzetközi Építészeti Konferencia
Tájékoztatni szeretnénk Titeket, hogy 2015. november 22-23. között kerül megrendezésre az INGLASS Nemzetközi Építészeti Konferencia. 
A szervezők önkénteseket keresnek a konferencia idejére, jelentkezni a e-mail címen lehet, a felhívás szövegét lentebb megtaláljátok.
On 22nd-23rd November 2015 we have a possibility for the students at the Faculty of Architecture to be involved in volunteering activities at INGLASS International Architecture and Glass Engineering Expo Conference, at Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge.

We would want to select 10 students from the Faculty of Architecture to participate in the activities for the event. All volunteers will receive diplomas that will attest the volunteering activity at the event.

The event is an opportunity for students to take part in the presentations of well known architects and to participate together with the team of organizers in all activities in order to assist the speakers and the architects in the audience.

Invited guest speaker architects from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Turkey andPortugal, alongside speakers from Hungary, will present at the conference their latest awarded glass projects. The aim of the expo conference is to promote at the European level the best practice examples in contemporary architecture, the transfer of know-how and the exchange of ideas.

We would appreciate if you could put us in contact with the representative of the association of students from the Faculty of Architecture in order to discuss about the volunteering activity at INGLASS or if you could delegate 10 students as volunteers. 

The students should be available on 22 and 23 November, to participate in the preparation activities for the event (preparing the kit for the participants, help at the registration desk for participants, assisting the team in the management of participants at the event). 

We would appreciate the participation of students from the Faculty of Architecture as volunteers in the event. The students can register for the activity of volunteering through an email at in which they send their email address and mobile number. It will be great if they can have a coordinator that speaks English so I be in contact with him. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Best regards,
Florentina Cojocaru
Director Program
Departament Trade Events for Architects
M: +4 0740-117-598

INGLASS konferencia